Welcome to my website!

This website developed from my passion for painting and drawing as well as my professional interest in media psychology focusing people, personality traits, and how these impact upon our interaction with media genres of all kinds.

As a media psychologist, I view visual art as a specific type of media that fulfills a variety of psychological and social functions: Artworks communicate concepts, feelings and expectations. They may surprise us, arouse us, or simply entertain us. Furthermore, visual art can serve to meet our needs for emotion regulation, social identity construction or affiliation (i.e., the need for relationships). Engaging with art has become an increasingly social activity regardless of whether we visit a museum or interact with art online on social media platforms like Instagram.

In my own art practice, I love drawing as a form of communication because of its simplicity and accessibility. When it comes to painting, I primarily work with oil paints. I find both healing and meditative.

I would be happy to answer your questions about my empirical research or my pictures. Just write to me by email at: info[at]katinowack.com
Here you will find portraits and figurative work as well as my Daily Paintings.

I also post a selection of my pictures on Instagram and Facebook.

Have fun on my website – thank you for visiting!


Male pencil portrait Zeichnung sketch drawing Nowack Eisenhüttenstadt